{ "version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1", "user_comment": "This feed allows you to read the posts from this site in any feed reader that supports the JSON Feed format. To add this feed to your reader, copy the following URL -- https://firstlook.fashion/tag/online-shopping/feed/json/ -- and add it your reader.", "home_page_url": "https://firstlook.fashion/tag/online-shopping/", "feed_url": "https://firstlook.fashion/tag/online-shopping/feed/json/", "language": "en-US", "title": "online shopping | FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping.", "icon": "https://i2.wp.com/firstlook.fashion/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/cropped-Favicon-First-Look-08.png?fit=512%2C512&ssl=1", "items": [ { "id": "https://blog.perniaspopupshop.com/?p=4598", "url": "https://firstlook.fashion/luxury-fashion/", "title": "Of fashion and luxury", "content_html": "

Luxury- a daunting, often misunderstood term! It’s simple yet complex. Many years ago, luxury meant expensive and unattainable to the general crowd. The dream factor hasn’t changed but throughout the years the meaning of luxury has definitely shifted. Let’s discover what luxury fashion is and what it means in today’s world. Luxury fashion is what Read More


The post Of fashion and luxury first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..

", "content_text": "Luxury- a daunting, often misunderstood term! It’s simple yet complex. Many years ago, luxury meant expensive and unattainable to the general crowd. The dream factor hasn’t changed but throughout the years the meaning of luxury has definitely shifted. Let’s discover what luxury fashion is and what it means in today’s world. Luxury fashion is what Read More\nThe post Of fashion and luxury first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..", "date_published": "2019-07-06T09:18:39+05:30", "date_modified": "2024-01-08T18:31:07+05:30", "authors": [ { "name": "Shraddha Bajaj", "url": "https://firstlook.fashion/author/shraddhapurplestylelabs-com/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/84f6d10b55ac137ff99210c3fd7d905a?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } ], "author": { "name": "Shraddha Bajaj", "url": "https://firstlook.fashion/author/shraddhapurplestylelabs-com/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/84f6d10b55ac137ff99210c3fd7d905a?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "image": "https://i2.wp.com/firstlook.fashion/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Blog-2-1-1.jpg?fit=1084%2C722&ssl=1", "tags": [ "Anita Dongre", "Fashion", "luxury", "Luxury Fashion", "Luxury fashion brands", "luxury fashion brands on Pernia's Pop-Up Shop", "online shopping", "Varun Bahl" ] } ] }