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The fashion industry is definitely a place where the outlandish and the chic lie together in harmony. It is home to some of the most creative pioneers, innovative, mysterious and wonderful personalities that have become icons for those who love this world. These are the individuals who not only turned the industry on its head Read More


The post 6 Books every fashion enthusiast must read! first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..

", "content_text": "The fashion industry is definitely a place where the outlandish and the chic lie together in harmony. It is home to some of the most creative pioneers, innovative, mysterious and wonderful personalities that have become icons for those who love this world. These are the individuals who not only turned the industry on its head Read More\nThe post 6 Books every fashion enthusiast must read! first appeared on FIRST LOOK | Fashion, Lifestyle, Interviews, Events, Shopping..", "date_published": "2018-09-27T14:31:30+05:30", "date_modified": "2018-09-27T14:31:30+05:30", "authors": [ { "name": "FIRST LOOK", "url": "https://firstlook.fashion/author/ppuspsl/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d49bb7945510f50eb62264ad4b6f9773?s=512&d=mm&r=g" } ], "author": { "name": "FIRST LOOK", "url": "https://firstlook.fashion/author/ppuspsl/", "avatar": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d49bb7945510f50eb62264ad4b6f9773?s=512&d=mm&r=g" }, "image": "https://i2.wp.com/firstlook.fashion/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/64a20c58102f6214c5821574e57ed52a.jpg?fit=564%2C443&ssl=1", "tags": [ "books", "Fashion", "fashion reader", "icons", "lifestyle" ] } ] }